Pacifista, mas não idiota (útil)
Curiosa esta notícia do The Times of India, em que o Dalai Lama diz algo que me parece ser de senso comum: que a não violência não serve para combater o terrorismo (destaques meus):
"It is difficult to deal with terrorism through non-violence," the Tibetan spiritual leader said delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture here.
He also termed terrorism as the worst kind of violence which is not carried by a few mad people but by those who are very brilliant and educated.
"They (terrorists) are very brilliant and educated...but a strong ill feeling is bred in them. Their minds are closed," the Dalai Lama said.
E ainda teve tempo para dizer que a prevenção é a única hipótese e que teve, desde o início, uma grande empatia com George W. Bush.