Os verdes são inimigos da liberdade
É certo que há verdes e verdes, mas não posso deixar de estar de acordo com este artigo de Brendan O'Neill, no Guardian, Greens are the enemies of liberty:
Environmentalists want to curb our freedom far more than the government's anti-terrorist laws ever will
Environmentalists are innately hostile to freedom of speech. Last month James Hansen, one of the world's leading climate change scientists, said the CEOs of oil companies should be tried for crimes against humanity and nature. They have been "putting out misinformation", he said, and "I think that's a crime". This follows green writer Mark Lynas's insistence that there should be "international criminal tribunals" for climate change deniers, who will be "partially but directly responsible for millions of deaths". They will "have to answer for their crimes", he says. The American eco-magazine Grist recently published an article on deniers that called for "war crimes trials for these bastards… some sort of climate Nuremberg."
But perhaps the main way that environmentalism undermines the culture of freedom is by its ceaseless promotion of guilt. In the environmentalist era, we are no longer really free citizens, so much as potential polluters. We are continually told – by government, by commentators, by radical activists – that everything we do, from wearing disposable nappies to using deodorant to allowing ourselves to be cremated, is harmful to our surroundings.
Some greens openly admit they are on the side of illiberalism. George Monbiot describes environmentalism as "a campaign not for more freedom but for less". Environmentalism is instinctively and relentlessly illiberal, and it is doing more to inculcate people with fear, self-loathing and a religious-style sense of meekness than any piece of anti-terror legislation ever could. If you believe in freedom, you must reject it.
O ambientalismo converteu-se numa nova religião. Por isso, não é de admirar que os seus seguidores, animados do zelo dos iluminados ou recém-convertidos, queiram eliminar os opositores. Qualquer utopia é totalitária. Como seguidores de uma utopia, os verdes são, na sua maioria, totalitários.
Cabe-nos a nós rejeitar estes excessos e pôr-lhes um travão nestas tentações totalitárias e iliberais.