A imigração é benéfica?
Assim, no Reino Unido, onde o fenómeno tem dimensões que não tem em Portugal, devido à política aberta de imigração dos governos trabalhistas, saiu hoje um relatório redigido por uma comissão da Câmara dos Lordes, que, segundo o resumo feito pelo The Telegraph, conclui que o Reino Unido não beneficiou com esta imigração maciça:
The number of immigrants entering Britain should be capped, an influential House of Lords committee has warned.Segundo a notícia, as conclusões do relatório são as seguintes:
Its analysis concludes that record levels of immigration are bringing no economic benefit to the country.
- There is little or no economic benefit to Britain from the present high level of immigration. The immigrants are not needed to fill labour shortages or help fund the state pension for retiring Britons.O relatório completo pode ser encontrado aqui.
- High levels of immigration threaten to price millions of Britons out of the housing market over the next 20 years.
- Government statistics on immigration are "seriously inadequate" and compromise the ability accurately to set interest rates and allocate £100 billion in public funding.
- Certain groups, including the low-paid, some ethnic minorities and young people seeking to get on the jobs ladder may suffer because of competition from immigrants.
- Immigrants have an "important economic impact" on public services with some schools struggling to cope with the rapidly-rising number of children who do not speak English as a first language.
Lord Wakeham said: "The argument put forward by the Government that large-scale net immigration brings significant economic benefits for the UK is unconvincing. We have found no evidence to support their position."
Será que, na Grã-Bretanha, vão, a partir deste relatório, conseguir fazer uma discussão séria sobre a imigração. É que, em redor deste assunto, há demasiados mitos.