Lê-se mas não se acredita
Leio no Haaretz que o ministro dos negócios estrangeiros francês cometeu uma monumental gaffe na sua visita a Israel:The French satirical magazine Le Canard Enchaine reported in its September 14th issue that during the visit of French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy to the new Holocaust museum in Jerusalem's Yad Vashem on September 8, he asked - while perusing maps of European sites where Jewish communities had been destroyed - whether British Jews were not also murdered. Needless to say, Douste-Blazy's question was met by his hosts with amazement. "But Monsieur le minister," Le Canard quoted the ensuing conversation, "England was never conquered by the Nazis during World War II."Como a notícia partia do Le Canard Enchaîné a minha primeira reacção foi de um certo cepticismo, pois é difícil de acreditar. Mas o Haaretz investigou e garante que a história de passou exactamente assim.
The minister apparently was not content with this answer, which, according to the magazine, was given by the museum curator, and persisted, asking: "Yes, but were there no Jews who were deported from England?"
Se a história for verdadeira, tenho a impressão que a Velha Europa tem que deixar de gozar com a suposta ignorância dos americanos.